Eiffel Tower

One day during our Christmas break, the TV remote went missing.  When questioned, none of the boys knew where it was except Tommy who said he put the remote in my bedroom.

Now I was sick this day.  Hit by a train kind of sick and hadn’t left my bed at all.  I knew that Tommy had not been in my room with anything even remotely like a remote.  (Ha!  See what I did there? … sorry)

I spoke from my sick bed that Tommy had not put it in my room and Ricky countered, “But Tommy SAID he did.”

I sarcastically squeaked out, “He’s three and he said he built the Eiffel Tower.” (This is a take off of a “While You Were Sleeping” quote…that’s how sick I was – I was talking in movie quotes!)

Kevin then turned to Tommy and asked, “Tommy, did you build the Eiffel Tower?”

Wearing a big smile, Tommy declared, “Yes!  And I put the remote in it!”

There you go.

(I wasn’t too sick to laugh!)