Exercise Buddies

I still have some baby weight to lose (ha!  some!).  So I’ve been trying to do some exercise.

The trick is finding a time to do it when the boys don’t KNOW I’m doing it.  You see, they like to join in.  And they aren’t very good at staying in their own personal space.  For example, here is a picture of Kevin trying to do some exercise …



Not having enough room to move is only one of the reasons I try not to exercise with my little buddies.   They also have big mouths.   Billy, bless his heart, is the worst.

“Momma, why don’t you use these heavier weights.  Those are so light.”

“Momma, you aren’t jumping as high as the lady in the video.”

“Momma, go faster!  Go faster!”

Some might enjoy having a coach, but I’m not one of them.  Especially when that coach is my well-intentioned, yet incredibly critical six year old!