Tommy Turned 4

Two months ago …


Tommy had a birthday.  He turned 4.


It was May.  May was hard this year.


I wish I could remember more to write about his birthday.  There was school and tee ball.  We had cupcakes between tee ball and baseball games.  His big present was a big digger for using in the dirt outside.


Tommy was declared in good health at his well-check appointment with our doctor.  He was about average height and weight for his age.  Somehow the paper with those numbers on it has disappeared.  Should I ever find it, I’ll update the actual numbers.



Tommy is firey and sassy with us.  He’s got a wit and way of seeing things that just cracks us up.  However, put him in a crowd and he appears shy.  He goes mute – which totally shocks me because he is a talker, but at preschool and church, he’s quiet.


Tommy wants to do what his brothers do but doesn’t want them messing with him.  He is my first to share and can be a peacemaker (when prompted).   He likes stuffed animals the least of all my boys.  Tommy has no fear of the water and adores doing cannonballs!  This little boy adds so much to our family … love you, Tom Tom!
