it will be delicious

Our Christmas break wasn’t ideal.  Christmas day, Ricky started feeling sick.  Bobby’s nose had been running horribly and a couple days after Christmas, he became sick, too.  Just as Ricky was feeling a little better on New Year’s Eve, the middle three came down with the yucks.  Kevin and I were fighting it but it finally won and we were down and out the first weekend of the new year.  Amazingly, everyone was better enough to start back to school.

One of the days when Ricky was sick with a fever and sore throat, the other boys were eating the last of the stash of candy corn.  I offered some to Ricky and then remembered how sore his throat was.  I said, “I’m sorry, bud!  Do you think you want to eat that even though your throat hurts?”

He replied, in his poor scratchy voice, “It will hurt, but it will be delicious!”

There you go.