Baseball 2015

May and June are baseball season and we had 3 playing again this year.  Billy was the oldest on his 1st and 2nd grade team.  Rusty and Tommy got to be on the same t-ball team one more time.

It was a fun season and all the boys got better at their baseball skills.


We arranged to have friends on the boys’ teams this year and that makes it even more fun – I might visit more than I watch though!


Next year these two won’t have each other on their team.  That sounds sad.  They are just so good together!


Billy’s final game was a week or so later than the younger boys.  He is more competitive and really got into his season.


He gave it his all … even if I never did get around to buying him real baseball pants.


Thankfully, he doesn’t try to slide.


Next year he moves up to kid pitch teams.  Maybe we should start teaching him how to pitch now …
