Billy’s 1st Cub Scout Day Camp

One of the perks of Kevin’s unemployment was that he was able to attend Cub Scout Day Camp with Billy in June.  Billy was very excited to get that time with his dad!

Wolf Camp was at Camp Fife this year.   Billy got his first chance to do a bike track and he just kept going and going!  Since Camp, I’ve seen him lapping my house on his bike – off-road biking wherever he can!


He was pretty good at it, too.  But he might have gone a bit too long.  Shortly after getting off the bike, he felt pretty sick and missed out on the rock climbing wall.  Billy is my most inclined to get motion sickness and he was probably a bit overheated from all that biking.  He felt better after a short rest.


He felt better soon enough to get to do the zip line …


And take his turn at shooting.


He might have enjoyed the shooting a bit TOO much!


He took a try at archery …


And learned how to tie some knots.


Then, at the very end, Kevin asked and Billy got to take a turn at the rock wall.


Billy was determined to get to the top – because he’s competitive like that – and he certainly did!


Repelling down might just be more fun than going up!



There are lots of thoughts going around about the worth of the scouting program and whether our church should separate itself from the program.  When I see the amazing things my boys get to do because they are involved in this century old program – I can’t help but support it!  They are growing and stretching and being exposed to so many more things than Kevin and I could ever do for them on our own.  We are raising Scouts!