December Odds and Ends

How cute is this boy?


Bobby insists on having a toy (or 5) at the table with him during most meals.  We started by fighting it and soon decided it wasn’t worth the fight.  He eats more than he plays … usually.  There are the times when his toys eat way more of his food than he does  For instance, Lightning McQueen apparently likes ramen noodles better than Bobby does!



Our large and super comfy couch has a flaw … it is poorly constructed!  At least, it isn’t constructed well enough to handle my 5 sons and 3 cats!  Thankfully, Kevin was willing to put a band-aid on while we work out a plan to reinforce the back to make it stronger.  He waited until the boys were in bed to work on it, but he still had helpers … of the furry variety.



All 3 cats were incredibly interested in what Kevin was doing and on checking out the inside of the couch!



And because I love the cats, I found this all incredibly funny and photo worthy!


Just after Thanksgiving, the world got a little lonelier.  My high school junior honors English teacher passed away, but Frank was much more than Mr. Reed to me.  I first remember meeting him the summer I was 6 and my parents hired him to build an addition onto our house.  I followed him around all summer and he never shewed me away.  Instead he told me stories about Timber Wolves.  Frank was a staple in our home, doing some remodel every couple of years and I always saw him at the high school basketball games.  He would greet me with a hug and ask me about those timber wolves.  One time while I was in his class, I had a paper returned to me covered with red ink.  I was horrified!  I was a good student and thought I had done well on that paper.  When I examined the paper more closely, my horrified face changed to a humored one.  Mr. Reed had added a sentence here and a phrase there to my paper – our dog Dinah made an appearance and, of course, there  were now timber wolves in my paper!  I saw him last a couple of years ago at his daughter-in-law’s funeral.  Even then, I got my hug and he asked about the timber wolves.  My life will always be touched by the love and kindness of Frank Reed.


Ricky is a pretty awesome kid.  He isn’t afraid to show that he is tender and kind and I LOVE that about him!  All of these statements on this piece of school work were great, but I laughed at #6 … “My first step for world peace would be to play a little kid show over and over in a military base.”   Great thinking, son!  A little bit of love and silliness would go a long way towards righting the meanness in the world!



Bobby found this plane to play with one day and for a good hour I could hear him repeating “da plane, da plane.”  I couldn’t help but think of the show “Fantasy Island.”  I don’t actually remember much about the show except that Tattoo was on it and Tattoo was my boyfriend.



I have some toys that only come out for the holidays, including a couple of sets of Little People toys that are Christmas themed.  Bobby loved them.  He would sit down and set up a Christmas village or bring me “Ann-ta” and his “Ain deer.”  It was adorable and I kind of hated to put them away until next year not knowing if he would like them so much then.  This was one of his Christmas toy concoctions!  Apparently, the Old Woman who lived in that shoe wanted to add a couple of floors!


Our PTA had a Breakfast with Books event before school one morning where loved ones were invited to come read and eat with their students.  Kevin and Grandmama spent the time reading with our boys while I kept the refreshment table stocked.


The regional competition of the Reflections Art Contest was held in December.  Ricky and Rusty had advanced that far, but that’s where they ended.  Rusty’s sculpture was judged against all the 2D art, so it was a long shot for him to advance – that is the category with the most entrants – so he came home with an honorable mention.  Ricky got an award of merit which is equivalent to second place.  The boy who beat him out had made a video with a lot of trampoline jumping – I’m biased, but thought Ricky’s was much better!  Either way, I’m proud of my boys for the work they did and that they did it all themselves.  They did fabulous!



The boys like to help me decorate the tree – and I let them stand on the couch to do it!


There you go.