Kevin’s Camera from December

Someday I’ll be organized enough to combine mine and Kevin’s pictures of events into one post.  That, however, was not one of my goals for 2016.

Here are some of Kevin’s pictures from December:

While I went to a viewing, Kevin took the boys to Pack Meeting.  Billy earned a couple of belt loops that night.


And they made marshmallow snowmen …


More Bobby with the way cute Christmas Little People toys.  A boy pulling a train behind him – adorable!


Ricky’s class at school studied “The Christmas Carol” and saw several different versions of the movie.  That led to a visit to our home of Jacob Marley’s ghost …


I’m not even sure what this is.  I know Ricky likes to put on plays and puppet shows for his brothers, but I never saw this particular set-up until I was going through Kevin’s pictures.  I may have laughed out loud about it ….


Sometimes you just need to put a puzzle together first thing in the morning …


For a couple of days, the boys were fixated on “Angry Birds.”  Not the video game.  They were interested in making life sized versions and then flinging toy birds at the building creations and seeing them fall.  I did my best to just not watch.  Sometimes it is better that way.  I did applaud their creativity though!


Bobby loves his toys.  He usually has 2 or 3 in his hands at all times and is not amused when you try to make him put them down!  When he goes to sleep, he takes at least one toy (usually 2 or 3) with him, as well as his 2 puppies and reindeer who live on his bed.  Sometimes his bed seems very crowded to me, but he doesn’t complain.


Someone was very excited about me putting up the Christmas trees and garland decorations!  Luckily I knew he was in there before I zipped it up and tossed it back in the closet!


The boys are with each other a lot, especially the middle three.   Some of it is by parental encouragement (sharing of bedrooms and such) but often they just want to sit by each other anyway.  And sometimes they sit in weird places like at the bottom of the stairs!


Kevin is a wonderful sport and took the boys out to deliver gifts to our neighbors.  This year we gave a bundle of pomegranates along with a card about the Greek tradition of pomegranates being good luck.  We can’t just drop gifts off – I make the boys (and Kevin) sing.  This year I gave them jingle bells to accompany themselves while I stayed home with Bobby.  They got so many smiles and happy responses … that makes it totally worth it!


Ricky set up a kitty day spa in his bedroom complete with steps to the different levels of beds (the upside down trashcan is the first step) and a back scratching build out of building blocks called Trios.  We have several cat beds around the house and he had all of them in that room!  Spoiled kitties!


Kevin’s view from work …


We were surprised that Bobby hadn’t woken up from his nap during the family Christmas party, so Kevin went to check on him.  Yeah.  He wasn’t asleep.  He was doing his best to pleasantly make a mess!


Bobby really did copy-cat everything that my niece’s dog did … lay down, Flower.  Lay down, Bobby.


After church, I change my clothes and sit in my chair visiting with Kevin about our experience.  Usually a cat comes to sit on my lap for those few minutes.  Sometimes two come.  And sometimes, my husband thinks it is funny so he takes a picture of the “crazy cat lady.”


We went sledding on Christmas Eve and wore the boys out.


Christmas morn as Kevin saw it …



There may have been a few presents of Legos for Christmas …


They love them.  So they get them.  But the boys do know that I have no problems vacuuming them up and that if I happen to step on one, they will NOT like the end result!


I love this little dude!


Rusty’s first tooth came out at church as he was just hanging out in the hallway.  He was incredibly excited!


The boys loved seeing all the fish at the aquarium!


I loved seeing all my boys love seeing all the first at the aquarium!


They were pretty cute riding the fake orcas, too!


Kevin actually got a picture of the penguins, which was great since I didn’t!


Leave the bowl of popcorn just out of the 2 year old’s reach and he will find a way to get it.  I was just glad that he used the stool which is totally an approved way to reach things on the cupboard.  However, he wanted us to hand him the piece of popcorn that he dropped on the floor!


Another cute sleeping Bobby picture …


A boy with a dinosaur tail  – oh the cuteness!


Even cuter?  That boy with a dinosaur tail sitting on his brother’s face!



And there you go.