A few January Moments

Kevin and I went bowling.


We hadn’t been in at least a year.  I realized I like bowling the ball fast!  The faster the better!  My fast is probably really slow compared to pros, but I was bowling faster than Kevin!  heehee


It totally paid off for me, too, since I got my first ever Turkey!  I may have done a Dance of Joy!  I ended the game with 151 points, which is probably an all time high for me.  AND I didn’t even tear my thumbnail like I usually do when bowling.  Date … success!



Bobby loves Hunter.  He loves to chase him.  He loves to hug him.  He loves to be where the cat is…



He loves that cat!


Sometimes Bobby takes a break from his non-stop moving and snuggles.  It doesn’t last long, but I love it when it happens!


We had some family over for dinner on New Years and Bobby gave the best night-night hugs …


The Santa hat probably helped the cuteness!


I’m in two book clubs and often just read the book of choice on an app on my phone.  The phone hurts a lot less than physical books when it hits me in the head when I fall asleep reading (thanks for this picture, Kev!).



There you go.