Tommy’s Birthday Party

The year of birthday parties continued with Tommy.  I wanted something different, even though he kept asking for either Chuck E Cheese or Classic Skating (his brothers’ party places).  I finally found a local place that is art based – they do dance lessons, music lessons, and art lessons as well as being a daycare type facility.  It is called the Bravo Arts Academy and they also do art themed birthday parties … perfect for my child who always carries a pencil and notepad!


There were negatives to the place, namely it limited our attendees to 10.  With a family of 5 kids and great family friends with multiple children we wanted to invite, this was hard.  But it was May and there was no way I had time to host my own party, so Ricky and Billy were uninvited!  They went with their dad to the batting cages and the rest of us went to Bravo.  We ended up with a couple no-shows so they could have come, but it was better safe than sorry.


The kids got to paint a small tote bag as well as paint and decorate a treasure chest.


There was a gym room where they climbed rope ladders and swung on a rope swing and bounced and balanced and played some balloon games.








We sang happy birthday, ate birthday doughnuts, and opened up gifts.



Then Tommy got the special birthday boy treatment … he got to be inside of a huge bubble!



He thought that was pretty cool!


The last of the party was spent playing on the playland area.  They climbed, squealed, slid and ran.  It was perfect!

Tommy’s party friends were Rusty and Bobby, Eli, Mason, and Lilly, Ellie, and Vaughn.

Tommy loved it.  I just had to bring doughnuts and I loved that.  Perfect birthday party!