Cindy’s 20th Reunion

I had the opportunity to do a lot of planning and organizing for my 20th high school reunion.


It was a lot of work and after it was all over, I was incredibly thankful that I helped.


We didn’t get a very large turn-out.  I feel bad if we didn’t spread the word enough, but I tried my best!  We also tried to invite some faculty from our Clearfield High days … my mom came!


I was barely 2 weeks post-surgery and it was all I could do to put on my smiley face at times.  I was tired and sore and tired.  Did I mention I was tired?  But I was there.  I set up and ran the registration table and I really, really enjoyed every moment!


I reconnected with friends.


I was reminded why I loved them back then and how fortunate I was to have them as an influence in my life.


We held three separate events.  A mix and mingle at our high school on Friday night, a family picnic on Saturday afternoon, and a dinner at the Timbermine Restaurant on Saturday night.


There was such an interesting mix of people and different ones came to each event – it really was nice to just sit and visit and catch up on life!


It was an event full of closure for me as well.  I was well liked in high school with lots of friends.


But I also had many insecurities.


As I socialized with all these amazing people, I realized I am happy.


In high school I spent way too much time caring what other people were thinking.  At these events, I was just me and I was happy with me.  There were no insecurities, no “what ifs,” no feelings of being inferior.


I knew what I had accomplished in my life and just to making this event happen!  I knew who the love of my life is and what we’ve built together.


It was incredibly enlightening.


So while I am happy to reconnect with everyone (I got 25 new friend requests that weekend alone on FaceBook) …


And while I can look back with fondness at my days in high school …


I have no worries about living in that past.  It has no hold on me except wonderful memories and learning experiences.


I’ve become better than I ever thought I would be.  I am happy with myself and my life and that is what matters most to me.


It was an amazing weekend of good times and memories and new/old friends.  Kevin was there to share it with me and the very best part … Kevin is mine to keep!  Wouldn’t have it any other way!