First Day of School 2016

The first day of school came.

Ricky didn’t seem nervous, but I was a wreck!


He had to be awake by 6 am and catching the bus by 6:45.  It came early and I prayed he wouldn’t get lost or have locker problems or bully issues.  He did amazing!  He found all his classes … he made it all work!  He did miss the bus home that first Friday, but it was because he remembered he was supposed to bring his dirty gym clothes home and had to go back for them.  But he knew to call home and he was okay when I asked him to start walking because Bobby was asleep and I was in the middle of making jam.  The junior high is only 2 miles away and I told him his dad had gotten off work early and would be by for him, but to take our discussed route home.  When Kevin picked him up, Ricky was happily singing to himself and marching home!  My little boy grew up that first week of 7th grade!


The other boys didn’t worry me at all.  Thanks to all my PTA volunteer hours, I knew they had wonderful teachers and would have great years!


Tommy was ready to have all day school and all the new stuff 1st grade would bring him.  He is having a great year and his teacher adores him!  On a field trip to the Dinosaur Park, his teacher told me that at one point a little hand slipped into hers.  She assumed it was a certain girl in the class who always held her hand, but it was my Tommy and he happily held her hand the rest of the time.  He’s at the top of the class and already a super reader!


Rusty was ready for more learning and 2nd grade!


He wanted to learn multiplication problems and about dinosaurs.  I don’t know that those are the lessons his teacher is giving him, but he’s enjoying school.  I’m enjoying that he’s got friends and feels like he’s succeeding.  I helped in his class one day and wasn’t sure if the project I was doing with them was too hard.  His teacher told me to watch Rusty because if it was hard for him, no one else would be able to do it.  His teacher can count on Rusty to do what needs to be done and do it right!


Billy was ready for the world of 4th grade!


Billy has the same teacher this year that Ricky had last year.  She’s great and I couldn’t wait to see what she would do for Billy.  However, he didn’t get a lot of close friends in his class.  Billy has lots of friends, so this isn’t a big issue, but he does find chances to mingle with other classes when able.  He is doing really well but occasionally needs to be reminded to not rush though.  Billy does love a good race!  His teacher told me how helpful Billy is with the students who need help.  He loves to assist them and help them succeed!  Everybody loves Billy!


Bobby was ready to go with the kids, too!  He chose to show me 5 fingers for his picture.


He had to have his picture taken, in his new shoes, just like the big boys.


And Bobby had to have his back pack, too!  I opted to keep him home with me this year.  With an early September birthday, our preschool teacher would have taken him, but I decided I didn’t want to this year.  I wanted a year with him home with me and no schedule ruling our days (well, other than my PTA life).  It was a good choice.  Bobby knows most of his colors and shapes, he can count to 5 perfectly and sometimes to 12.  He’s learning his stuff and playing his games and is my little friend!


When did these kids grow up?


I still see these three as 2, 3, and 5.  But they are awfully fun at 6, 7, and 9!!


Considering how hard it had been to send Ricky off alone that morning, this next picture made me miss him even more.  But growing  up is a good thing!


After all our pictures, we headed out to the bus stop.  We had plenty of time – we’ve been riding this bus for 3 years and knew what time it came.  However, as we got to the corner before the stop, the mom of the other boys who get on there, was walking back.  The bus had come 10 minutes early!!  On the first day of school, that is crazy!  I double checked our listing online that tells you which bus stop you ride and what time it comes … it was truly 10 minutes early!  I even called the transportation department because that is just wrong.  I’m not normally “that mom” but 10 minutes?!  That is just too early!  So the boys got to ride with me to school for their first day!

The second day … we got to the bus 15 minutes early.  And guess what?  It came 5 minutes late!  Ha!  Gotta love that! (Billy wasn’t with us because he started early morning choir that day)


There you go!