March in a Small Nut Shell

Let’s get on with this, shall we?

Tommy celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday and looked dashing!


Ricky had his first choir concert at school.  The teacher had him singing bass.  Still questioning that one.  Ricky adored his choir teacher, Mr. Saunders. (Ricky is bottom, far right)


I adore sleeping kitties!


He might be 8 now, but when he snuggles with his stuffed friends and sleeps so cute … I can still see my Rusty baby!


Grandmama made the boys sweaters!


Pardon the lack of clothes, but Bobby was so excited to get his new “blue kickin’ shoes” that he couldn’t be bothered with clothes.  With his shoes on, he can kick one leg way high in the air and say “kick!”  That’s because these are his blue kickin’ shoes.  Naturally.


Potty training is the bane of motherhood, but look how cute that little behind is???


We celebrated my birthday a few weeks late.  We went out to dinner and ice cream with this group of friends.  They are very good people.


But the best part of the night was doing a Time Trap Room.  We had one hour to find clues in a locked room to try and get out!  I absolutely LOVED it!  We made it out with just a few minutes to spare.


Swimming lessons!  Bobby got to take his first class all by himself…Little Wave 1.


Tommy and his friend Mason were in Wave 1.


Rusty was in Wave 4.  (yellow swim shirt, middle of pic)


Billy worked in Wave 4.


And Ricky swam in Wave 6.  Not all will move on to the next level, but they all did a great job, had fun, and improved.  That’s what swimming lessons are about in my book … improvement and fun!


My little leprechaun!


After all that snow we got this winter, we got a lovely warm spell in March.  The snow all melted and we could go for family walks.  I love this view!


This one is pretty cute, too!


I know the apple tree needed to be pruned, but was this really the best way for him to do it?


Best Thai restaurant around!  I love our almost weekly dates!!  (I’d love it better if they were weekly, but I’m real, life happens)


Bobby and I went for a walk one morning.  I turned on my tracker and laughed so hard when I saw the result.  Bobby is bad enough … stopping to pick up rocks, say hi to neighbor’s pets, etc.  But add to that on this walk, one of our neighbor’s dogs got out and I had to catch her and try to get her to stay home.  It wasn’t easy because she liked us too much!  Can you tell which corner her house is on?


I spend a lot of my time doing this …


You have to stay on your toes when you eat at our house …


Ricky came home one day and informed me that he was joining the track team.  I was speechless.  He will still say he doesn’t do sports because track isn’t a sport (whatever, son).  His first track meet was in March and it was chilly with a threat of rain and wind.  I wasn’t sure what to expect.  What I got were tears – my own tears.  I watched my boy running, at the back of the pack, but running.  As he passed me, he picked his head up and waved with a big old smile!  I heard a group of cute girls cheering him on!  I cried.  See his cute smile HERE.


There you go.