Month: December 2011


It is no secret that we like books around our house. A fabulous adventure for Ricky is a trip to the book section of the DI to pick out some new chapter books for his collection. As I tucked Billy in tonight, I had to remove a stack of a dozen story books from under […]

Santa Run and Light Parade

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Ogden City does a Light Parade.  Santa brings up the rear and turns on the lights in the Christmas Village. This year, Kevin and I entered the 5k that happens along the parade route just before the parade.  One of the fun parts of the race is that you have to […]


We went to my brother Tim’s house for Thanksgiving dinner.  We took Grandmama and Aunt Nancy down with us.  The boys were so excited that they told everyone for days before that we were going there. Of course, I didn’t think to pull out the real camera … you know, because reaching into my purse […]