Year: 2009

He scray-atched my hay-er!

Billy.  Listening to him talk sometimes leads me to think, “Hill Billy.”  Lately, he has begun to add syllables to words.  Some of the most often heard are: cay-at (cat) quay-a-ack (quack) woo-ord (word) to-ool (tool) The list could go on.  He hasn’t seemed to do it with names, but I’m sure it is just […]


I don’t check pockets when I do laundry.  I empty my own when I put my clothes in the hamper, but I just don’t even think to check Kevin’s or the boys’ pockets.   You would think it would cross my mind after washing a check for a couple hundred bucks that Kevin left in his […]

Ricky's Observation

Yesterday Ricky was looking at his USA book when he told Kevin, “I know where all the witches are!” Assuming that he had learned something about Halloween at school, Kevin said, “Oh yeah.  Where?” Ricky proudly declared, “Delaware!” Confused, Kevin asked, “Why are all the witches in Delaware?” Ricky’s answer, “Because I haven’t seen any […]

Bossy Billy, the sequel

Shortly after posting the previous post, Billy showed off his bossiness yet again.  Why he even THINKS he can get away with some of these things amazes me. We were on our way out the door to Grandmama’s house for dinner and the boys were grabbing a toy or two to take along.  Billy decided […]

Bossy Billy

Billy has a tendency to be bossy.  As soon as he could talk, he started giving orders.  Most of the time I ignore him or remind him to use the magic word.  Sometimes he listens – sometimes his ears are painted on. Yesterday Billy and Ricky were playing nicely and I was enjoying the sound […]