Month: May 2011

Tommy's First Hair Cut

I have been delaying Tommy’s first hair cut.  I don’t know why.  Probably because I know that once the hair gets cut, they look so grown up.  But last Monday, I bit the bullet and attempted the hair cut. The first hair cut requires at least three people … one to cut, one to hold, […]

Angry Birds

Have you heard of Angry Birds?  It is a iPhone game that Ricky is a bit obsessed with. The idea is that you sling-shot various little birds at block buildings and try to kill all the green pigs.  There are a few other aspects, but that is the main gist.  It looks like this: So, […]

Swimming Lessons

Ricky and Billy did swimming lessons twice a week all through April.  These boys love the water and are really quite good in the water. Billy was very excited to be in a big boy class for the first time.  He was old enough to do the Preschool A class – no parents needed! He […]

Easter, take 3

(Click these links to remember Easter, take 1 and Easter, take 2) Easter morning was a bit odd this year.  Tommy woke up early and then Billy.  The other two were asleep and we didn’t bother waking them since church isn’t until 1 pm.  Around our house, the Easter Bunny hides the baskets and the […]